Thursday, March 4, 2010

Lippe got ready for take off!!!

First of all let me say a BIG thank you to all my wonderful anipals!!! I was overwhelmed by all your positive and kind reactions on Lippe!!! You rock, you rule, you made me smile and my mom's eyes water - oh yes, she is one of these emooootionaaaal mom's, that like to cry their eyes out!!! Did I mention, I'm a guinea pig with issues???

But this is not about me, it's about Lippe and his trip around the world!!! So many of you commented on my post, or contacted me, to let me know, they would like to host Lippe and show him around at their places!!! And you made it possible, that Lippe left us today for his exciting journey!!! THANK YOU!!!

If you are still interested in hosting Lippe on his trip, please let me know!!! He would like to visit as many anipals as possible!!! And please remember, we offer a place for our stuffed pals in beautiful Cologne as well!!!

Before Lippe could start off his trip, he had to get prepared for it. Most important - bathing!!! He was not amused about this point, but I told him, it had to be!!!

Here, you can see him dry on the heater.

After drying and dressing up, Lippe spent his last day in Cologne...

He went down to the Rhine, to look at the shippies for a last time.

Then he went down to the water, where he saw some duckies and two swans.

He sat down on a tree and watched the scenery with a touch of melancholy.

More shippies came by and the swans had a little chat about Lippe and his trip.

Back home, Lippe and Fredi looked at an atlas and Fredi shew Lippe all the places, where he will go. But I'm not sure, Fredi really has a clue about that stuff...

Then, Lippe, Poldi, Fredi and Hugh had a little party to say goodbye to Lippe. They had popcorn, chips and fun. I beg your pardon, I know, that little Fredi has no manners!!!

This morning, I said goodbye to Lippe too and gave him a little kiss on the cheek.

Lippe's time to hop into the envelope and start his journey came.

Mom brought him to the little post office...

...and mailed him to his first destination in the Netherlands, where he will visit @Bijntje!!!

Thank you sooooo much, for becoming his first host, Bijntje!!! We know, you will take good care of him and we're longing for news!!!

Have a pawsome and safe trip little Lippe and please come back to us one day!!!


  1. Lippe is on his way! I'm so excited to meet him. He looks very polite and I'm glad he had a bath so he makes a good impression on his hosts. Smooooch!!!

  2. Oh wow is so eggsitin! I cant wait to hear more about it and for Lippe to come and visit with us!

  3. Bon Voyage Lippe! Can't wait to meet you! And regarding @BusyButtons, no worries, we has a sekrit plan...

  4. YAY - Lippe left on his voyage. You gave him a very nice sending away pawty of visiting some of his favorite places. Can't wait to meet him.

  5. Yeah for Lippe! I'm looking forward to his visit...his SUPERVISED-so-Buttons-won't-pluck-his-fur-off visit!

  6. Oh I wish Lippe could visit me here in Arkansas, we would love to have him!!This is a great story schnille !!

  7. What an exciting time Lippe will have we are looking forward to meeting him and of course he will be back in Cologne one day with you. He is a very brave boy.

  8. So glad that Lippe has started his adventure! I can't wait to have him visit me :-).


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